Dedication and achievements
During 2022 we have worked every day with conviction and love for Colombian children and youth. These are some data that show participation in our processes:
Lines of action
Our lines of action are understood as orientation strategies and organization of different activities related to our performance, guaranteeing the integration and articulation of wills in an orderly, coherent and systematic manner.
Along these lines, we develop projects that contribute to the comprehensive protection of children, adolescents, and young people against forms of violence, discrimination, mistreatment, abuse, and exploitation; facilitating their relationship with themselves, with others and with the world around them.
Development and survival
In this line we develop projects related to access to education, health, nutrition, recreation, free time and culture; that contribute to the harmonious and integral growth of children, adolescents and young people in their physical, psychological, cognitive and social aspects.
In this line, we develop projects that promote the active role of girls, boys, adolescents and young people in their environments, respecting their right to think, express themselves and associate freely.